Nature's Select Headquarters is regularly open weekdays from 7:00am to 3:30pm PST.
Our team is always available weekdays Monday through Friday, but we are always closed on weekends. If you contact our office after hours or on a Saturday or Sunday, we will always get back to you as soon as possible - all we ask is that you kindly leave us a voicemail message or send us an email with your name and contact information.
While we are proud to service our loyal pet food customers all year round, we do love giving our staff much-deserved time off to enjoy the holidays with their families. View all of our special hours & holiday closures for 2025 below!
- Memorial Day - May 26th CLOSED
- Independence Day - July 4th CLOSED
- Labor Day - September 1st CLOSED
- Thanksgiving - November 27th CLOSED
- Black Friday - November 28th CLOSED
- Christmas Eve - December 24th CLOSED
- Christmas Day - December 25th CLOSED
- Day After Xmas - December 26th CLOSED
- New Years Eve - December 31st CLOSED
- New Years Day - January 1st CLOSED
- Valentine's Day - Feb 14th Open 7a to 3p*
- Good Friday - April 18th Open 7a to 12p*
- Memorial Weekend - May 23rd Open 7a to 2p*
- 4th Weekend - July 3rd Open 7a to 3p*
- Labor Day Weekend - Aug 29th Open 7a to 2p*
- Thanksgiving Eve - Nov 26th Open 7am to 3pm*
- NS Christmas Party - Dec 10th Open 7am to 3pm*
- Xmas Eve Eve - Dec 23rd Open 7am to 3pm*
- New Year's Eve Eve - Dec 30th Open 7am to 3pm*
*Note: We ARE open on these holidays:
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- President's Day
- Valentine's Day
- Halloween
- Columbus Day
- Veterans Day
Need help with a pet food reorder? Contact us for assistance!
Need pet food before a busy holiday weekend? We typically recommend placing your order 1 week in advance to ensure arrival in time before heading out of town. Note the holiday season (Oct - Dec) is our busiest time of year and transit times may take longer than usual due to high package volume for the Holiday Shopping Season along with winter weather delays. Please plan accordingly! Our team will always do our best to pack and ship all open orders within 24 hours when received weekdays prior to 1pm PST.
Call Our Team Directly: 714-993-5500
Email Us: