Beat the Heat

Beat the Heat

Summer temperatures are rising this week, so here's some important tips to keep in mind to keep your pet's paws safe this season!

Beat the Heat Paws


Have you ever noticed dogs who refuse to walk at an event and just plops himself down? Paws scorching on the Asphalt could be the problem… not your dog being stubborn!

Remember: The pads of a dogs feet are not any thicker than our feet; so if it feels hot to your bare feet then it is too hot for your dog!

Asphalt temperature and the outdoor temperature are two very different things. When the outside air temperature is 77 degrees the asphalt in the sun is 125 degrees. You can fry an egg at 131 degrees so just imagine how your dog feels as you drag him along to the farmers market or outdoor festival being held on the hot summer asphalt outside. Be mindful, protect your pup's paws!
Another important reminder to NEVER leave your pet in a hot car unattended! Even with the windows rolled down, temperatures can rise astronomically and fast, too. If you wouldn't leave your human child in a hot-weather situation, then do not put your pet in that scenario either. It's best to leave your pets at home even if you're running out to do a quick errand. Allow them a cool shady spot in the backyard, of if they can be indoors in cooler temperatures with access to A/C or a fan that's even more ideal. 

Remember to always provide plenty of fresh, cool water at all times.
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