Customer Spotlight: Gabby

Customer Spotlight: Gabby

Gabby and her owner, Chuck, have been a team for a little over 2 months now and they are getting closer by the day. Chuck recently received Gabby through America VetDogs and he is currently an Active Duty Chief in the Navy stationed in Bethesda, Maryland. Her dad Chuck is a wounded warrior and he's in the DC area receiving care at both Walter Reed and NICoE, and he will be there until he retires early next year in 2025. He has been in the Navy for almost 20 years and most of that time he was a K-9 handler and had countless deployments. Chuck says that Gabby is a joy to be around, she’s extremely playful at home but when she’s wearing her working vest, she’s in complete work mode! Chuck looks forward to all the fantastic adventures that they will share together, they make quite the team.
Nature's Select is proud to support America's VetDogs, they trust our pet food to keep their working dogs fueled, fit and healthy. Gabby thrives on our Nature's Select Classic Nutrition Recipe!
  • Name: Gabby
  • Fun Facts:  Black Lab, Female
  • Trained By: America's VetDogs in NY 
  • Hometown: Silver Spring, MD
  • My Job: Trained Therapy Dog
  • I Eat: Select Classic Recipe
  • Loves: To Support US Veterans!

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